
Morpho Nestira – free complete streaming

Luglio 13, 2009 - Song streaming

Music should be for everyone, so we decide to make available our album Morpho Nestira for free complete streaming.

We uploaded it on ReverbNation and created a TunePak with the whole CD ready to stream… no samples, that’s the entire album and you can stream it everywhere and every time you want.

We discovered many sites that made it available for free (illegal) download and there are thousands of people who downloaded it… we don’t mind, it’s great spreading our music all around the world and we decided to make it available for free legally.
If you stream it, please leave us a comment, we always like to receive listeners’ feedbacks and start to talk with them. The streaming will be always available on the Multimedia and on the Music pages too.

And if you think this album worths some money, please buy it following the links on the right side of your screen or contact us at iftheband [at] gmail [dot] com.
So have a good time with it!


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