
Author: dario


05 Gennaio 2012

Posted By: dario // Read More

Intervista con Athos Enrile su KultUnderground

Godetevi la bellissima intervista di Davide Riccio ad Athos Enrile sul progetto Cosa Resterà di me! Davide Ciao Athos. “Cosa resterà di me?” è davvero un libro originale, che cattura contemporaneamente l’ascolto e la visione, la lettura e il pensiero e, soprattutto, le emozioni… Ogni capitolo del libro è ispirato ...

31 Dicembre 2011

Posted By: dario // Read More


ifsounds wish you an happy gli ifsounds vi augurano un felice

10 Dicembre 2011

Posted By: dario // Read More

Cosa resterà di me

‘Cosa resterà di me?‘ è un’opera molto particolare, nata da un’idea di Athos Enrile, basata sulla interazione di tredifferenti arti: fotografia, letteratura e musica. E’ innanzitutto un libro che contiene un racconto, dieci immagini e dieci storie. Ma oltre a questo, ‘Cosa resterà di me?‘ è anche un CD conundici brani musicali inediti scritti appositamente per diventare la colonna ...

04 Dicembre 2011

16 Novembre 2011

Posted By: dario // Read More

ifsounds on AiiRadio

Tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. EST (11 p.m. in Central Europe) Andrea Garrison will host Claudio and Dario in her show Online With Andrea on AiiRadio.net. 2 hours with ifsounds on air!!!

13 Novembre 2011

Posted By: dario // Read More

Unusual Roots

Melodic Revolution Records is proud to announce the release of the new ifsounds digital only EP. Unusual Roots to be released on November 15th 2011. Unusual Roots features 5 tracks some reworked tracks and a couple of new track, including the collaboration of Phil Naro (DDrive, Druckfarben, Jim Crean) on ...

13 Novembre 2011

Posted By: dario // Read More

ifsounds + Andrea Garrison – Loser

ifsounds are proud to introduce Loser… it’s a very special song thanks to the magic touch of our great friend Andrea Garrison! This song is in our EP Unusual Roots to be released on Tuesday the 15th of November.

10 Novembre 2011

Posted By: dario // Read More

ifsounds + Phil Naro – Don’t go

It’s a great honour for us presenting our collaboration with legendary Phil Naro (Talas, CRISS, DDrive)! Don’t go will be in our next EP Unusual Roots to be released Tuesday the 15th of November by Melodic Revolution Records.

20 Ottobre 2011

Posted By: dario // Read More

Unusual roots. Coming soon…

Coming soon the EP Unusual Roots. Very special ifsounds’ songs featuring great friends as Phil Naro, Andrea Garrison… Stay tuned!

08 Ottobre 2011

Posted By: dario // Read More

Elena Ricci leaves ifsounds

Elena Ricci decided to leave ifsounds. The vocalist’s new professional duties are incompatible with the band’s activity. ifsounds want to thank Elena, always a great friend of ours, for the emotions she gave us with her unique voice, appreciated by many listeners and reviewers all around the world. We wish ...

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