
Author: dario


02 Novembre 2010

Posted By: dario // Read More

Dario en “El Suplement” de Radio Arenys de Munt

El sábado estuve como invitado en “El Suplement” de Radio Arenys de Munt con el amigo DJ Miquel Figueroa. Aquí podéis escuchar la entrevista completa.

01 Novembre 2010

Posted By: dario // Read More

Apeirophobia en Renacer Eléctrico.

Sergio Guillén es la mente destrás de una de las mejores web musicales de España, Renacer Eléctrico que este año cumple 10 años de vida. Esta es la reseña de Apeirophobia escrita por Sergio. Primero nos llegó la transición de If a Ifsounds.

31 Ottobre 2010

Posted By: dario // Read More

Apeirophobia su MovimentiProg

È arrivata su MovimentiProg la prima recensione di Apeirophobia, scritta da Donato Zoppo. La potete leggere qui. Come i Conqueror e gli Ylecplise, gli Ifsounds sono partiti da un new prog fin troppo aderente al canone storico ma hanno lavorato sodo per affinare la propria proposta, migliorarla, personalizzarla.

24 Ottobre 2010

Posted By: dario // Read More

October, the 26th of 2010. Apeirophobia – Official Release

Anima Mundi Summer Breeze Last Minutes Aprile Apeirophobia Part I – Apeiros Part II – Knowledge Part III – Steps Part IV – Conscience Builder Part V – Jungle Feelings Part VI – Another Life Part VII – Memories Part VIII – Home Again Part IX – I will never ...

16 Ottobre 2010

Posted By: dario // Read More

Online with Andrea

Last night was a very special night for me. I was the guest of the wonderful show Online with Andrea hosted by writer and deejay Andrea Garrison from New York City. It was a great 3-hours-long show completely dedicated to our music. You can listen it here or download it ...

10 Ottobre 2010

Posted By: dario // Read More

On the radio and the last promo before the release

We have entered the week of pre-release promotion. We’ve already given away 20 CDs, but before the “official” release we want to give our friends a last chance to get our new album Apeirophobia with a big discount. Today we launch a new promotion very limited in time. For a week ...

06 Ottobre 2010

Posted By: dario // Read More

Summer Breeze

If you like the song you can download it for FREE at https://www.ifsounds.com/dwnld/summer.zip. You can get the password to unzip the file signing in the form below or writing an e-mail to iftheband[at]gmail.com.

06 Ottobre 2010

Posted By: dario // Read More

CD Winners!!!

We have WINNERS!!! Everyone of them will receive a free “Apeirophobia” CD at home. Here’s the full list: David Perez – Granada, Spain. Alessandro Lo Martire – Taranto, Italy. Felipe Luevano – San Luís Potosí, Mexico. Jaap Banga – Arnhem – the Netherlands. David Slater – Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. Araceli ...

04 Ottobre 2010

Posted By: dario // Read More

Apeirophobia – the Prerelease (ENG)

At least our new album “Apeirophobia” is ready. We want to share with all you friends this special moment for us. On Wednesday the 6th of October we’ll give out 10 CDs absolutely free to 10 lucky friends of us. Yes, absolutely free, not even the mailing cost. On Wednesday ...

04 Ottobre 2010

Posted By: dario // Read More

Apeirophobia – the Prerelease (ITA)

Finalmente è pronto “Apeirophobia”, il nostro nuovo album e vogliamo condividere con tutti i nostri amici questo momento speciale. Mercoledì 6 ottobre regaleremo 10 CD a 10 fortunati vincitori scelti tra i nostri amici registrati. Sì, 10 CD gratis, spediti direttamente a casa vostra senza nessun costo, neppure quelli di ...

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