
Author: dario


09 Settembre 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Morpho Nestira on Polish edition of Metal Hammer

Artur Chachlowski published his review of Morpho Nestira on the Polish edition of the magazine Metal Hammer. His review appear on page 50 of the issue of september that Artur sent us. Thanks a lot Artur for your constant support.

04 Settembre 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Interview with Andrea Pinti, the genius behind ifsounds’ cover arts

Andrea Pinti is the artist who painted the last two cover arts of the ifsounds‘ albums. Let’s know better this visionary artist. – Hi Andrea. First of all tell us something about you, your job and your art. I’m a 35 years old architect from Florence, with a strong passion ...

03 Settembre 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Intervista ad Andrea Pinti, il genio dietro le copertine

Andrea Pinti è l’artista visuale e “visionario” che ha prestato il suo talento per dare un’immagine agli ultimi due dischi degli ifsounds. Conosciamolo meglio. – Ciao Andrea. Innanzi tutto parlaci di te e delle tue attività lavorative e artistiche. Ok , ci provo: sono un architetto frustrato trentacinquenne (quasi) con ...

27 Agosto 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Morpho Nestira reviewed on Merlin Prog

The coming back from holidays takes a great review by Ulf Backstrøm from Norway on his webzine Merlin Prog . Thanks a lot Ulf for your kinds words. The review on Merlin Prog is here. Here there is the original text in Norwegian and below you’ll find the English translation ...

26 Agosto 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Back from holidays

Holidays are over and we’re back working :-(. Stay tuned, great news are arriving for all ifsounds friends!

28 Luglio 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Diritto alla Rete

Diritto alla rete è un’iniziativa contro la “legge bavaglio” che colpirà presto i bloggers italiani. Per solidarietà ho aderito al gruppo Diritto alla Rete insieme a molti altri eccellenti artisti. Ecco le mie risposte alla breve intervista che imbuteria, la persona che gestisce il Network mi ha posto. -‘mbuti: nome ...

21 Luglio 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Morpho Nestira reviewed by Olav Bjornsen on ProgressoR

Progressor is a great website located in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). They’ve already reviewed our The Stairway and their opinion was negative. This time Olav Bjornsen from Norway wrote the review and his evaluation his rather positive (4 stars out of 5!). Thanks Olav 😉 This is his detailed review: Prolusion. The ...

17 Luglio 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Morpho Nestira reviewed by Branimir Lokner

Branimir Lokner is a Serbian journalist who leads his own reviews blog and works for the Bosnian site Barikada and for the Serbian site Rock in Serbia. He wrote a great review of our Morpho Nestira in English for his blog and in Serbian for Barikada (soon it will be ...

13 Luglio 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Morpho Nestira – free complete streaming

Music should be for everyone, so we decide to make available our album Morpho Nestira for free complete streaming. We uploaded it on ReverbNation and created a TunePak with the whole CD ready to stream… no samples, that’s the entire album and you can stream it everywhere and every time ...

30 Giugno 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Social Networks

Già una decina di anni fa gli esperti in comunicazioni e società segnalarono come il web 2.0 è il futuro… Per web 2.0 si intende internet non più come mero contenitore in cui gli utenti possano trovare informazioni e contenuti, ma come un’entità nuova in cui possano partecipare in prima ...

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