

02 Febbraio 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Morpho Nestira reviewed on DPRP

Hector Gomez reviewed our album and pointed out some problems, especially for production… Well, we did the best we could, but we try to improve our sound to avoid the “slightly amateurish personality”! What’s more. I’m thinking about the difficulties of some reviewers to follow the concept of Morpho Nestira ...

01 Febbraio 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

if on Podcasts

if has joined the podsafemusicnetwork and the first pocaster who selected one of our songs for his show was Steve from UK. Thanks a lot, Steve, to put our song “Poison” in your Dalecast!

24 Gennaio 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Russian pirates

Don’t know if I should be happy or angry… Yesterday I found our album “Morpho Nestira” available for free downloading in a Russian web page. Well, I’m happy because of the increasing interest about our music, but… But if even a low-budget/niche-selling band as if suffers piracy, I think the ...

23 Gennaio 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Alfredo Tapia Carreto (Manticornio) habla de “Morpho Nestira”

Gracias a los amigos mexicanos de Manticornio por dedicarnos otra vez espacio en su bonita web. Desde “The Stairway“, su álbum anterior, a IF le da por construir álbum concepto y con “Morpho Nestira” —su realización número cuatro— no hacen excepción. Los temas en el álbum tratan sobre la rendición ...

15 Gennaio 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

Morpho Nestira su John’s Classic Rock

“JJ” John Martin è uno scrittore, musicista, dj e tecnico RVM, ma soprattutto è uno dei più grandi conoscitori della scena prog italiana degli anni ’70. Ho avuto la fortuna di poterlo incontrare attraverso il suo eccellente spazio web John’s Classic Rock, un blog fondamentale per conoscere un mondo forse ...

09 Gennaio 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

“Morpho Nestira” reviewed again on ProgArchives

Here’s the review by Andrea Parentin. Grazie per le belle parole che hai speso per il nostro lavoro! if is an Italian prog band from Molise and “Morpho Nestira” is their fourth album, their best so far. It’s an excellent self production with a good sound quality and an amazing ...

04 Gennaio 2009

Posted By: dario // Read More

if su YouTube

Un semplice video di Morpho Nestira Part 2 su YouTube

31 Dicembre 2008

Posted By: dario // Read More

if on ProgArchives

ProgArchives.com is maybe the most important community for progressive rock lovers, with hundreds of reviews of the greatest rock music all times. Thanks to our friend Angelo Hulshout if are now on ProgArchives. Angelo put on a page dedicated to the band and reviewed Morpho Nestira. Here’s his review: Not ...

28 Dicembre 2008

Posted By: dario // Read More


I spent a few days in my home, with my parents… Yesterday I came back home, with my wife… I though I lost my home, but now I’ve got two… I’m a lucky man, or it’s just Christmas Time? Happy Holidays to everyone of you and enjoy your home!

16 Dicembre 2008

Posted By: dario // Read More

if en Escuadron 69

Gracias al amigo Iñaki “Darkness”, uno de los mayores expertos españoles de simuladores de vuelo, para señalar nuestra música en su foro de aeronáutica Escuadrón 69. Gracias también a las personas que se han tomado la molestia de escuchar algo de nuestra música y emplear su tiempo en comentarla. Por ...

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