Hector Gomez reviewed our album and pointed out some problems, especially for production… Well, we did the best we could, but we try to improve our sound to avoid the “slightly amateurish personality”! What’s more. I’m thinking about the difficulties of some reviewers to follow the concept of Morpho Nestira ...
Gracias a los amigos mexicanos de Manticornio por dedicarnos otra vez espacio en su bonita web. Desde “The Stairway“, su álbum anterior, a IF le da por construir álbum concepto y con “Morpho Nestira” —su realización número cuatro— no hacen excepción. Los temas en el álbum tratan sobre la rendición ...
“JJ” John Martin è uno scrittore, musicista, dj e tecnico RVM, ma soprattutto è uno dei più grandi conoscitori della scena prog italiana degli anni ’70. Ho avuto la fortuna di poterlo incontrare attraverso il suo eccellente spazio web John’s Classic Rock, un blog fondamentale per conoscere un mondo forse ...
Here’s the review by Andrea Parentin. Grazie per le belle parole che hai speso per il nostro lavoro! if is an Italian prog band from Molise and “Morpho Nestira” is their fourth album, their best so far. It’s an excellent self production with a good sound quality and an amazing ...
ProgArchives.com is maybe the most important community for progressive rock lovers, with hundreds of reviews of the greatest rock music all times. Thanks to our friend Angelo Hulshout if are now on ProgArchives. Angelo put on a page dedicated to the band and reviewed Morpho Nestira. Here’s his review: Not ...
“Es de noche y nuestro Viajero vuelve cansado de un duro día de trabajo, oprimido por sus problemas cotidianos. El sueño y la noche alejarán las sombras y él podrá descansar al menos hasta que amanezca otra vez. Pero esta noche el Viajero será transportado en una realidad onírica en ...
Très agréable découverte que ce groupe italien , if , qui vient de sortir, fin 2006, ce qui constitue déjà son troisième album, The Stairway. Constitué de du bassiste Franco Bussoli, du chanteur Paolo De Santis, du claviériste Claudio Lapenna et du guitariste Dario Lastella , le groupe existe depuis ...
if are an Italian band from Milan and The Stairway is their second album. A concept album based on the dreams of a traveller through his night of sleep in a quest for happiness, The Stairway promises more than it delivers. The band centred on writers Dario Lastella (guitar) and ...
if are a four piece progressive rock band hailing from Italy who released their third album ‘The Stairway’ towards the end of last year (2006). Their first two albums, ‘In the Cave’ and ‘If’ are both available as free downloads from the band’s website, but having listened to these I ...
This is a trip thought Music by the Italian band if. This band started in the early 90’s with the 2 schoolmates Claudio Lapenna and Dario Lastella, joined by Franco Bussoli and Pietro Chimisso on drums. After Pietro left the band, singer Paolo came to join the band. The music ...
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