Red Apple on The Rocktologist. Great Review by Guillermo Urdapilleta… 9 out 10!!! Well, this Italian band some years ago had the name of If, but in 2010 they decided to change it in order to put a more personal and unique touch to their project, so people can now easily ...
Recensione in francese non completamente positiva su Music in Belgium di Red Apple a cura di Thirionet. Groupe italien traînant ses souliers et ses instruments depuis maintenant 2004, celui-ci en est aujourd’hui à son quatrième album officiel. Sans compter démos, EP ou compilation, ces musiciens auront déjà pas mal bossé ...
Thanks to our friends Artur Chachlowski and Andrzej Barwicki for the nice review (in Polish) and for the airplay on MLWZ!!! Muszę się przyznać, że jest to moje pierwsze spotkanie z twórczością włoskiej formacji Ifsounds.
Bellissimo articolo dell’amico Athos Enrile sul progetto Red Apple apparso sulla rivista MAT2020. “La MELA ROSSA degli ifsounds“ Credo che sia davvero complicato spiegare la mole di lavoro che si nasconde dietro a “Red Apple”, nuovo album degli ifsounds. Prendi in mano un CD, lo apri, sfogli il booklet, apprezzi – o no ...
Melodic Revolution Records This digital only EP was released in November 2011, featuring a combination of reworked and new tracks, and completed in collaboration with Phil Naro (DDrive, Druckfarben, Jim Crean) on ‘Don’t Go’ and the ethereal Andrea Garrison on ‘Loser’. There is a general homespun feel to this release, ...
Norwegian reviewer Olav Martin Bjornsen wrote about our album on his blog. Italian band IFSOUNDS have been around a couple of decades now, initially starting out under the moniker If and releasing 4 studio productions under that name.
Bella recensione di Anna Minguzzi su Metallus! Come spiegato diffusamente, i molisani Ifsounds hanno voluto con questo loro nuovo lavoro (la band è infatti attiva dal 1993) creare un collegamento virtuale con il loro album precedente.
Very insightful review of Apeirophobia by Didier Gonzalez on the French magazine Highlands. Merci, Didier! Jeune formation italienne originaire de Petacciato, IFSOUNDS vient de proposer très récemment son premier album, au titre énigmatique d’APEIROPHOBIA, paru en 2010 sur le label Melodic Revolution Records. Ce qui saisit d’emblée pour un album auto produit est la qualité spectaculaire du ...
Another review from one of the most important European magazines, the Dutch ioPages. Thanks to André de Waal and to our friends from Synpress44.
Well, I can’t read Japanese… but I hope that this review on and this one on are good :-P! イタリアのシンフォニックロックバンド、イフサウンズの2010年作 なにやら奇妙なジャケだが、サウンドの方もどことなくB級臭い浮遊感とヘタウマの女性ヴォーカルの歌声に男コーラスが絡み、 プログレ的なムーグシンセにロック風のギターが合わさった、濃密で叙情的、かつシアトリカルな面白い作風。
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