


Christmas rehearsals and recordings

Christmas Time was very busy for ifsounds. The band worked hard recording some of the tracks you’ll find in the album we’ll try to release in this 2010. It was a great experience: the old members of “if” (Claudio, Franco and me, Dario) started this new job with the new ...

Russian spam

We’re receiving a lot of spamming comments from Russia. Now, we know we’ve got lot of fans there (thanks to our friend Navigator!!!), but I really can’t understand why so many spammers keep on writing messages and comments on our site in Russian promoting everything (I can read Russian a ...

Power of Prog – The community of proggers

ifsounds are now proud members of one of the best music communities in the world, Power of Prog. Power of Prog was created by Nick from Melodic Revolution Records and gained quickly several great prog bands, musicians and fans from all over the world. Thanks to Hox Vox for the ...

“Oceans of Time” Track of the week on IMIsound

IMIsound is one of the best Italian music communities with more than 500 hi class musicians in from Italy and abroad. Well, this week Tony Lawson, the heart and the head behind IMIsound choosed Oceans of Time as Track of the Week! Thanks Tony, it’s an honour for us! IMIsound ...

Lavori in corso

Abbiamo cominciato a lavorare sui brani nuovi. “Morpho Nestira” ha raccolto grandi recensioni ed è stato accolto benissimo dagli ascoltatori di tutto il mondo. Il nostro obiettivo adesso è quello di ripetere e se possibile migliorare il successo di “Morpho Nestira”. Sappiamo bene che sarà una grande sfida per la ...

Work in progress

We’ve started to work on the new songs. “Morpho Nestira” recollected great reviews and was greatly received by listeners all over the world. Our aim is to repeat and increase the success of “Morpho Nestira”. We know very well that it will be a big challenge for our band. We ...

ifsounds on Facebook

Here’s our new page on facebook. Thanks to all friends that have already signed on!


if becomes ifsounds today!!! We’re starting a brand new project that will evolve the if project and will propose new sounds. Two new musicians joined ifsounds project to make it bigger with their art. Elena Ricci is ifsounds’ new voice: she’s already worked with us in the album if and ...


if oggi diventa ifsounds!!! Stiamo cominciando un nuovo progetto musicale che evolve il discorso if proponendo nuovi suoni e nuove emozioni. Due nuovi musicisti si sono uniti al progetto ifsounds che renderanno ancora più grande con la loro arte. Elena Ricci sarà la cantante di ifsounds. Elena ha già collaborato ...

Hox Vox – Etoile

Hox Vox is an incredible multimedia artist from Venice. Movie director, graphical artist, composer, musician, Gianluca Missero (Hox Vox’s real name) is an eclectic genius, thanks to his ability with all the multimedia tools. Visit his web www.missero.it to discover his world and to know more about Hox Vox project. ...

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