Don’t know if I should be happy or angry… Yesterday I found our album “Morpho Nestira” available for free downloading in a Russian web page. Well, I’m happy because of the increasing interest about our music, but… But if even a low-budget/niche-selling band as if suffers piracy, I think the ...
Gracias al amigo Iñaki “Darkness”, uno de los mayores expertos españoles de simuladores de vuelo, para señalar nuestra música en su foro de aeronáutica Escuadrón 69. Gracias también a las personas que se han tomado la molestia de escuchar algo de nuestra música y emplear su tiempo en comentarla. Por ...
Come ben sapete una promozione radiofonica massiccia è un lusso che solo le major possono permettersi. Nonostante ciò ci sono sempre più spazi dedicati alla musica non mainstream in cui hanno trovato spazio diversi brani tratti da Morpho Nestira. L’ultimo lavoro degli if ha cominciato ad essere programmato da alcune ...
if is back with a new progressive rock concept album. The words are about the human rendition to materialism, so the music is harder, the rhythms are stronger, the sounds are heavier. Everything has a price, everything is a product, everything is goods. A gigantic Machine was generated following these ...
New link You can hear Background Noise from new album “Morpho Nestira” there.
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