

Free streaming against piracy – Buy RISK FREE!!!

Dear friends. First of all I would like to thank all the people who already bought Apeirophobia and all the ones who supported us with their feedback and their messages. Our album is getting very popular on the web… maybe too popular, because we experimented an exaggerate interest by “pirates” :-(. ...

if…sounds and the piracy

It’s incredible: I found many sites (mostly from Russia) that offer the pirate download of the FREE album “if…sounds”. As anyone here knows the compilation is a free download with password (freely available asking for it by mail or registering in our mailing list), so I really can’t understand why ...

Russian pirates

Don’t know if I should be happy or angry… Yesterday I found our album “Morpho Nestira” available for free downloading in a Russian web page. Well, I’m happy because of the increasing interest about our music, but… But if even a low-budget/niche-selling band as if suffers piracy, I think the ...

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